Exclusive Training Webinars

Welcome To  Street Cop University
Membership Required


These Exclusive Training Webinars are the core of Street Cop University. Each month, fresh content from our expert instructors and special guests is unveiled. Each webinar provides EXCLUSIVE, never-before-seen perspectives and training from the Street Cop team.  These webinars are broken down into short video segments that are easy to comprehend. We know that you don't always have the available time to spend hours upon hours on training, so we wanted to create these webinars to still give you the training you deserve while being in this profession. Watch them all at once or one segment at a time. Some webinars will also have resources for your convenience. Upon completion, students receive a certificate, solidifying their commitment to ongoing professional development.
A subscription based, on-the-go training platform from Street Cop Training. Our in-person classes and on-demand training are still taking place and available, this is something completely different. Street Cop University is filled with never-before-seen content and exclusive training as well as plenty of other resources. You must be a verified LEO through our website to subscribe to Street Cop University due to the sensitivity of the content. You can choose to pay month-to-month or pay up front and save on an annual membership. Content inside SCU is updated every single month with new material.

Exclusive Webinars

New Exclusive Training Webinars Each Month From A Variety of Instructors and Special Guests

Pro Active Patrol 

You Will Have A Guaranteed Spot In Dennis' In-Person Pro Active Patrol Course When it Comes to Your Area 

On The Go Videos

A Complete Video Library of "On The Go Training" Ranging From Interdiction, Traffic Stop Videos to Case Law Breakdowns and General Tips

On Demand Classes

Multiple On Demand Classes Uploaded To Your Library including Dennis' Pro Active Patrol Tactics Course (Universal)

LEO Resources

Easily Access A Variety of Documents & Resources Ranging From Downloadable Checklists, Search Warrant Templates & View Policy Samples

Promos & Discounts

Annual Members
Exclusive Promos & Discounts From Street Cop And Partnered Brands

Exclusive Events

Annual Members
Priority Meet & Greets With Keynote Speakers At Our Annual Conference

Free Conference Ticket

Annual Members
Receive A Free Ticket To The Street Cop Annual Conference, As Well As Any Future Conferences As Long As Your Annual Membership Is Active (Fully Transferable)

Virtual Conference

Annual Members
Access To Watch The 2024 And Previous Year Conferences (In Progress)
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